Volunteers from Beaumaris lifeboat station were called out to two incidents on Monday.
The RNLI said two kayakers in distress were reported by the Coastguard at just after 3.05pm.
The Beaumaris D-class lifeboat was launched six minutes later and made its way to Ynys Faenol, where one of the kayakers had managed to make his own way ashore after getting out of his craft.
The second kayaker managed to stay in his kayak and made his own way back to shore, where he was met by the mobile coastguard team from Bangor.
The unmanned kayak was also returned to the Bangor coastguards as it was deemed to be a navigational hazard.
The lifeboat crew were called out again at just before 10pm after an emergency radio beacon was activated with a radius of around 20 natucial miles of Menai Bridge.
Due to the poor weather conditions, the lifeboat was kept on standby for launch - but it was stood down around half an hour later after the coastguard had resolved the situation.
A RNLI Beaumaris spokesman said: "The member of the public who reported the kayakers being in apparent difficulty did exactly the correct thing in alerting the coastguard to the predicament."
"This meant our volunteer lifeboat crew were able to reach the casualty quickly, assess the situation and take the best course of action to prevent the situation worsening. We would always advise checking the weather forecast before going afloat."